TELEPATHY 101: The Gift of URIM
(These are the "Flight Instructions" for The Rapture.) Ishi gives Me Telepathy lessons. Telepathy is often associated with the idea of mentally communicating with someone else’s mind. Let’s call that “mind speaking”. Mind speaking is an accurate way to think of telepathy if you are generalizing its meaning. Telepathy is so much more than mind speaking. Mind speaking only scratches the surface of telepathy. To say that telepathy is only about mind speaking would be the same as saying “the sun is just a ball of fire” or “breathing is just a fun thing to do”. Most of us know that the sun is much more than just a ball of fire. The sun is the most important ball of fire to everyone and everything beneath Ishi. Moreover, every living being recognizes the importance of breathing. Our breath is the very life within us. We live and breathe Ishi. Here is a deeper way to consider telepathy. Telepathy is the ability to control the mind of another being by use of your own mind. ...