The issue with the general perspective on racism is not that we should get over it, as some say. Please kindly remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against dark rulers of evil. We need to think about the actual motive behind the whole gesture. Black people have been deceived and lured into focusing our attention on a false target. Our attention should remain on keeping the commandments of Jesus first and foremost.


Think about Deuteronomy 28. We are in the curses of the covenant and have become the tail and not the head. Our enemy is the head.


Our enemy knows that if we choose to Love our enemies, as Jesus has commanded, that our captivity will be reversed. Therefore, keeping us angry and hardened in our heart is beneficial to them.


Please keep this verse close to your heart to defeat racism:

Matthew 5:44 King James Version

But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;


Friends, I kindly encourage everyone to please deeply consider each line of these instructions and do them quickly (please don’t waste time, the Rapture is here). Here is an example of what I mean by consider each line, please hear my heart:

1.     Bless them that curse you. When someone says a negative thing against you, they have cursed you. To keep the command of Jesus, a Believer will respond to negative words with kind words.

2.     Do good to them that hate you. When someone is continuously unkind to a Believer, a Believer will consciously and deliberately respond with kindness and witness the Power thereof. This is what brings the enemy of Love to its knees.

3.     Pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. When someone seeks your hurt, Believer, you will remember to labor to deliver the soul. Believer, you will discern the pain in the life of the person that has led them to corruption and pray for their healing and Understanding; having Faith that the Power of Jesus in you, which is His Love that we demonstrate by keeping His command; that this Faith and this Love and this Power that we are gifted with in Jesus will deliver even those who would harm you from their corruption that Peace may abound.




  1. Oh wow.. this is wisdom for sure!

  2. I agree and I practice this on a daily basis


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