Who Gets to Have the Final Say on What Love Is?


What is Love? Has anyone truly answered this question? What are we saying when we say “I Love you”?

When we understand a meaning of a word, we can replace that word with it’s meaning in a sentence while keeping the full integrity of the intended context. This is one way comprehension is measured in education systems across the world. One should be able to communicate a definition without using the word itself in the definition also.

Many people proudly profess that “God is Love” as a reference to a precept (1 John 4:8 and 1 John 4:16). This is true, but what does this mean? How do we know that God is Love without knowing what Love is? Who truly understands what Love is? Then who truly understands who God is?

We have a requirement among us in the earth that we ought to say “I love you” to the people (we think) we love. Otherwise, they may not know that we love them.

First of all, Love does not desire a mandatory, scripted, automatic recital of tradition posing as affection. That’s exactly how the world has lost Love; by settling for hearing the word “love” only.

Moreover, let’s try replacing the word “Love” in the sentence “I Love you” with “God”: The sentence would then be “I God you”.

Does “I God you” have a meaning? Can someone interpret what “I God you” means? Does anyone know God well enough to be given authority to offer a concluded answer?

Perhaps there could be a prophet living in our time right now that could ask about such a thing on our behalf. This is the will of Jesus that we understand what Love is being that He has commanded us to Love one another; therefore, we must know and understand what Love is in order to keep this commandment.  We should all ask Him to bless our hearts with confirmed understanding.

Another biblical explanation of Love is written in 2 John 1:6, saying: And this is Love, that we walk after His commandments

I encourage you to kindly, please review the ten commandments in Exodus chapter 20 and compare to what Jesus says are the two greatest commandments in Matthew 22:37-40. Please do also note how he says that the two great commandments of Love that fulfills all the law and the prophets. How is this so?

The first and great commandment is to Love Ishi with all your heart. Compare this to the first five of the ten commandments. This is how you love Ishi with all your heart: 1. Do not put other gods before Him. 2. Do not provoke Him with graven images. 3. Do not use His name out of context. 4. Rest on the Seventh Day. 5. Hearken to the voice of your parents and treat them as best as you know how to treat anyone.

The second commandment that Jesus gave, which He said compares to the first is that we are to Love our neighbor the way we Love our own selves. Now let’s compare the next five of the ten commandments. This is how you Love your neighbor as yourself:1. Do not kill each other. 2. Do not break each other’s hearts by adultery. 3. Do not take someone’s things from them. 4. Do not deceive each other. 5. Do not desire to have someone else’s things.

Now let’s try our word replacement exercise with the sentence “I Love you”. In this case we will use the 2 John 1:6 definition of Love which would be in the verb form. The sentence will now be: I walk after the commandments you.

The reason “I God you” does not make any sense in English is because in this case we are meaning the name God as a noun and Love in the context “I Love you” is in the form of a verb. When we get to know Ishi better, we will know Him as a noun, as a verb and as many other forms of which a list thereof would continue for eternity.

We can also now see how to convert the noun Love into action Love. This will be necessary to keep the commandment of Jesus as He has commanded us to Love one another.

Loving one another means paying very close attention to commandments 6-10. Jesus wants us to be kind and tender toward one another; even to our enemies, he wants us kind and tender. Please do not despise His method. He is the King of all kings. His methods work with All Power!

Going forward, when you think of the ten commandments, please always remember to think of them as The Commandments of Love and never again forget what Love is.


(Please Click Here To See A Message From Jesus: The Rapture Is Here)


  1. Wow.. I absolutely love this.. oh.. I absolutely God this! Shalom


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