A Shout Out to the Homie JESUS {{Shots FIRED!!!!)

 I just want to give a shout out to the homie JESUS. All POWER to the KING OF GLORY!.

Click HERE for the Real Deal Message from JESUS

I have some fresh cuts of beef for yall, k?

Consider this, when JESUS defeated death, Ishi gave Him ALL POWER (Matthew 28:18). Now the button that is used to turn on every device, what is it called? The “power” button.

Now be advised, even though many of our secrets seem to be hidden by lock screens and passwords, nothing is secret to His Holiness.

Let it be confirmed in your heart today and know that JESUS IS THE TECHNOLOGY. Clean it up quick. Our Father is about to take out the trash.

 From the greatest to the least of all the earth...

Count this as SHOTS FIRED

I keep telling yall this is happening NOW.


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